The Karma System

This system came into being as a result of my new way of handling leadership challenges, as a way of "rewarding" or "punishing" gangs. It basically makes your gang either more or less lucky, and can cause unexpected windfalls or sudden crisis.

There are a number of ways to gain or loose karma points, including playing against gangs with a significantly higher or lower Gang Rating ("Rep" in N: me terms). Most of the time, however, I intend gangs to have no karma points: having a few should be pretty uncommon.

If you have zero Karma, there is no effect and there are no special rules to take into account. However, if your karma rating is above or below zero then the following rules apply.


Karma points may, first of all, be "spent". If you have positive ("good") karma, then you may expend it to re-roll ANY one D6 roll, in or out of the game, for example a missed to hit dice or a bad serious injury. If, however, you have negative ("bad") karma, then the other players in the campaign may expend it to force you to re-roll any one D6 roll, again either in or out of the game.

In addition to this, if you have any karma (+ or -) after a game, you must roll 1D6 for each point, totalling up the number of 6s you roll. You immediately move that many points closer to zero (e.g. one 6 changes 2 into 1 or -2 into -1) and consult the table below for the effects of your good or bad fortune. (note: this isn't finished!)

Score Good Bad
1 nice bad
2 good nasty
3 great horrible

Ratskins will be getting a special ability about this to represent their understanding of the Hive Spirits: Currently I'm thinking that as well as 6s, you should count up 1s also. These cancel out 6s if you have bad karma (appeasing the spirits) or add to your total for good karma (sucking up to them!).


Leadership Challenges

As I said, this is what set me off on the whole idea of Karma. The old system didn't actually have anything wrong with it, really. I just had this idea in a flash of inspiration and thought that if I liked it, then some of you might.

So, here it is:

Leadership Challenges

Any player may declare that they are forcing a leadership challenge on an opposing gang. They pick a challenger, who may be anybody in the gang so long as they meet the criteria. These are that the challenger must have more Guts and at least the same wits and total of WS and BS. If they do not meet these criteria, they cannot challenge as they and everyone else knows that they aren't the better man.

The challenge is fought normally (for now!) and if the challenger wins, he becomes the leader. Should the challenger win, the player who forced the challenge gains +1 karma. If the challenger looses, the player looses -1 karma.