You are probably wondering what Necromunda: Millennium Edition is. Well, firstly, I should tell you one thing that it is not: it is not a new GW product, a leak of work in progress nor an appeal for playtesters for such a venture. The only connection I have to GW is that I keep giving them my money!

No, this is all my own (apart from, of course, the fantastic setting and some artwork which I have, ahem, "Borrowed" from GW). It is by no means a final, polished up, ready to go version, far from it. The purpose of posting my brainchild up on the net was, in part, to get feedback and constructive criticism (though I must admit to a little vanity in wanting to see a page I'd written on the world wide web!) and to this end there is a bulletin board included for your suggestions.

"Now you hang on just a minute there, boy!" I hear you cry. "You sayin there's something wrong with our Necromunda? Damn your impudence, child!" Well, to be curt, yes, I am. The game is highly enjoyable, but only due to the setting and the nature of campaigns (or so I think, anyway). The system, when you get down to brass tacks, has some serious flaws. These mostly stem from a mistake in the design philosophy stage, where the designers failed to take advantage of the reduced scale to add more realism. I'll explain.

In WH40K or (WHFB for that matter), the basic unit of the game is a body of troops. Players don't have one or more guardsman, they have one or more units of guardsmen. In Necromunda, the reverse is true. Therefore, abstractions such as roll to wound and weapons having an absolute maximum range become nonsensical and situations that should be dealt with are simply generalised away. But more importantly than this is the realisation that one gangster can roll the same number of dice as one unit for the same type of action (be it shooting, combat or whatever) with no reduction in playability whatsoever. This, ladies and gentlemen, is at the core of my system.

Please give my rules a try and let me know what you think of them. I'm open to suggestion, like I said and if you can put to rest something with which I was struggling I would be very gratefull (I'd even send you a load of smilies to prove it! Won't that be nice?)

PS, please forgive any shoddy workmanship on the page itself: I'm picking this webmastering up as I go along, so bear with me (feel free to suggest improvements to the page, though by e-mail so as to not clog up the forums if you would be so kind)

Thanks for listening, I appreciate it.
Robin Whelan (HimOnEarth)